Learn more about how IntoGreat helps goal-oriented companies and nonprofit organizations avoid and overcome internal challenges that compromise their success.
IntoGreat at a Glance
IntoGreat Management Partners helps goal-oriented and mission-driven companies and nonprofits maximize their success.
We maximize their growth by overcoming internal challenges that compromise their success and desired impact.
We partner with our clients to navigate periods of growth or significant change. We strengthen their organizational culture and handle mission-critical work that accelerates their growth, takes them into new directions and results in positive, lasting change.
Denver-based IntoGreat Management Partners has extensive experience in the public, private and nonprofit sectors and welcomes hearing from you.
Ellen Goldstein, Chief Executive Officer
When organizations realize their need for a Chief Integration Officer, they hire Ellen, a passionate, trusted and accomplished advisor to chief executive officers, senior management teams and boards of directors in the public, private and nonprofit sectors.
Based on every client’s unique circumstances and needs, Ellen assembles custom teams that ensure IntoGreat Management Partners’ clients achieve their objectives for change and growth. She has enhanced performance in emerging and turnaround situations by launching groundbreaking programs and initiatives intensely focused on increasing productivity, reducing costs, increasing retention and resolving a range of management issues.
Ellen has a unique combination of expertise in both operations and human resources, which enables her to create solutions that are favorable for CEOs, senior management teams and front-line employees.
She has:
- Served in multifaceted, internal and external leadership roles in organizations ranging from startups to thriving ventures generating more than $100 million in annual revenue.
- Held the position of Chief Operating Officer for a $20 million enterprise.
- Founded a consulting group specializing in helping clients develop smart strategies in human resources and corporate philanthropy.
- Served as an adjunct professor at the University of Denver’s Daniels School of Business, where she taught courses in high-performance management.
- Earned a master’s degree in human service management from Boston University.
Ellen is an avid world traveler with a passion for skiing and tennis. She lives in Denver, Colorado, with her beautiful daughter.